Trojan Corner

In my high school business class, I chose to take a separate class to create a website for the school store (see below) that my classmates and I founded. I used the WordPress dashboard to help create this site. The struggle with this project was to keep within all of the school district guidelines.


In my senior business class, we were required to partake in a business related internship. I chose SmartWool because I have a family friend who is the Director of Sales Strategy and Analytics. As a potential Analytics major, it was a match made in heaven.

Mission Work

I have taken apart of three seperate mission  trips. I have travelled to the Bahamas once during my high school freshman spring break and I have travelled to the Dominican Republic twice during my high school sophomore and junior spring breaks.

School Store

In my High School of Business Class, my class and I created our high school’s first ever School Store. We learned how to purchase equipment and resources as well as how to manage employees and wages.